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Rs. 32,305.00 Rs. 24,850.00
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Model No: WHSR86
Brand: Samson Rubber
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0774 953 653 | 0777 731 670 | 0771 200 201
Brand - Samson Rubber (DSI)
Model - WHSR86
Length - 180cm
Width - 100cm
Thickness - 17mm
Product Features
WEIGHT LIFTING MAT is suitable for use at industrial work places, sport gymnasiums, fitness centers and temporary floor covering purpose too.
High hardness WEIGHT LIFTING MAT prevents floor being damaged from heavy dropping objects & trolley tires.
Weight lifting floor mat is Grease, Oil & Fire resistant.
Weight lifting mat has a High hardness and can be used as weightlifting crashpads
High hardness rubber floor mats with taper edges is easy to lay on the large floor areas.